Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Have you ever been so excited you felt like you were going to be sick? Well, that's where I am right now. I have sooooo much going on in the next few weeks that I feel like I'm going to explode...or vomit. One of those.

Excitement #1:
The Toyota dealership that I'm working with called me last Thursday and said my Prius should be in sometime this week. I'm so excited that I'm worried when I finally see it in the lot, I'm going to cry. I've got mixed emotions about this car because I want it so bad, I'm worried I'm deluding myself into thinking I can handle it. I'm pretty positive I can handle it, but I've been hit with the financial crisis stick before. That's my biggest fear is that, although I'm doing well right now, I'm going to get this car and the bottom is going to fall out on me.

Excitement #2:
My Aussie is in the states!!!!!!! Granted, he's not in MY state but that will be fixed in a matter of days. :) I am so excited. Everyone is asking if I'm nervous since we've never met. My answer to them is always, "Why would I be?" We've been talking for 2 1/2 years (getting closer to 3 years now) and we've done a couple web cam sessions. We've talked on the phone. We've shared pictures. What's there to be nervous about?

Excitement #3:
I will be a college graduate in 9 days! I have my last exam for my class, my exit exam, a group presentation, and then one last day to watch the rest of the groups present and I'm dooooooooooooone. I'm going to have my B.B.A. in Managerial Sciences. I'm thinking about going back for my Masters, but that's a bridge we'll cross when we come to it. For now, I'll be done with school.

Excitement #4:
I am having a graduation party in 11 days! Everything is going well with the planning. I think we're going to have a pretty rocking party if I do say so myself. I've had a lot of help getting it together and I am very, VERY thankful for all the help and shared excitement. I think this party is going to be so epic because of all the faith and help I've had during my long struggle in school. This party is kind of like a big pat on the back for EVERYone who has helped me in my studies. On a side note, I bought 50 invitations and the only one I have left is the one I kept for myself. :)

Excitement #5:
It's time for me to get a new phone! My phone has been giving me fits for the past couple of months and it's getting worse by the hour. I LOVE my Droid, but it is a computer and computers go bad. I'm looking at getting the Droid 2 Global since it's like the only one left that still has a slide out keyboard.

Excitement #6:
I've lost almost 10 pounds in just over 3 weeks!!!! I'm feeling great and my dieting isn't as hard as I thought it would be. I've stopped drinking Diet Coke and I don't eat sweets. Yesterday, I ran through a drive thru on the way to a party and just quickly ordered a meal with a Diet. I remembered to ask for grilled chicken and no mayo, but, like a dufus, forgot that their meals come with fries. I gave in and said one day of fries won't hurt me. I could only eat a handful of them. My body did NOT want them. I did drink the Diet Coke but quickly got a MASSIVE headache following it. Later on, my son and I got an Arctic Blast to share since I think it's crazy to spend almost $4 on a bottled water. He didn't like it and I could only take a few sips. Then towards the end when we were all packing up, the cupcakes were passed out. I did eat mine since it was a birthday party :) but after the first lick I said that it was too sweet. ME! *I* said a cupcake was too sweet! Can you believe that? I am amazed that, in so short a time, my body is beginning to reject the things that used to be the staples of my diet.

I'm really happy I was able to post a good blog today. I've had all this excitement bottled within me for a few weeks now and, like I've already said, I felt like I was going to explode. I'm glad I could share it with you, and I hope you can feel some of the excitement. :)